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Patient Benfits

eClinicforyou Doctors available after office hours, Visit Doctor from home

Is your primary care physician far away from your home and you are tired of being stuck in traffic?

Waiting long hours outside the physician waiting room?

Did you miss any scheduled doctor appointment because of weather condition? (Extreme hot or Extreme cold or rainy day)

Login to and schedule an appointment and see the doctor from your home or office.

Are you worried about contagious seasonal disease (such as the flu, colds, or strep throat)? Infectious microbes travel through the air after someone nearby sneezes or coughs. It spreads from person to person.

Do you need to see a doctor after normal office hours, weekends, and holidays? will provide remote clinical services. And our board-certified doctors are available 24/7.

Contagious seasonal diseases really scary, Avoid office visit..
More worried about kids health?, Aviod unnecessary emergency room and urgent care visits

Are you traveling with your loved ones and need non-emergency medical assistance right away? Not familiar with the area? Don't worry go to and find the local physicians for immediate medical assistance. is your preferred virtual clinic

The benefits are also evident for health care broadly. We’ve experienced a significant decrease in unnecessary emergency room and urgent care utilization among patients who’ve used the service. Sixty-two percent of patients who utilized Telemedicine reported that they would have otherwise accessed care at an emergency room or urgent care clinic. And, as the health industry moves toward a value-based model that rewards providers for achieving better outcomes at lower costs and away from a fee-for-service model that bases payment on the volume of services provided, telehealth allows the best use of resources to provide high-quality care at the lowest possible cost.

Telehealth isn’t just for rural communities. It can also be used to help patients in urban areas with transportation, time, or mobility constraints access a full range of specialties. But one challenge to scaling telehealth to improve health care nationwide is that, despite its many benefits and cost savings, the relevant payment policies and reimbursement models often prevent providers from receiving payment for telehealth services. So even though patients, families, community hospitals, their surrounding communities, and care providers clearly benefit, large integrated health care systems are left to cover the costs.